Saturday, March 17, 2012

Why I hate sickle's class

*I wrote the draft of this post during history class yesterday lol


Mr.Sickle spent the whole class yesterday explaining bibliography. I can't understand why 10th graders have to be taught on how to cite. I mean, OMF***, it's only citing! And we are 17! Can't students just search on the web and learn by themself? I hate sickle for giving a lecture on citing instead of renaissance, which is way more interesting.

That is what I don't like about Mr. Sickle's class. We often don't focus on actual history. Today, we talked about citation. Last last, we talked about what a good diplomat needs. We spent precious 20 minutes on that. WTF. Those are additional information! I don't get why he doesn't focus on actual history. Please, sickle, stick to your history, not on small stories of yours and jokes. I swear, I don't remember learning actual history. 95% I felt like I learned nothing when I walk outside his class. We never got to cover what we read for homework. To be honest, I don't like Sickle as a teacher much. I prefer him as a person, a guy I just know at school, like Mr. Wassupman. Maya used to like him until he became her English teacher. Also, another reason why I HATE HISTORY is because of few students who asks stupid questions. DONT ASK QUESTIONS IF IT IS NOT IMPORTANT. ASK THOSE AFTER CLASS. DON'T WASTE OTHER PPL'S TIME. I hate those who ask. I can bear questions, but OMFG, someone in my class asked at least 10 questions in 5 minutes about where to put a period when citing. F3UK. WHY CAN'T YOU ASK HIM AFTER CLASS? I HATE HISTORY CLASS.

So 5 minutes before 3, I went outside to the bathroom to continue writing my draft for my blog. I went out although I only had 5 minutes till end because I couldn’t handle Mr.S and his lectures on THE DAMN CITIATION WHICH I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY STUDENTS DON'T GET.I want to ask ppl how old they are.

There really are times when I think to myself, 'Should I tell Mr. Sickle to not get off topic?'

Once I did. And that was actually the first time for me to not hear his little life stories.

Here are few information I know about him because he talks A.LOT.ABOUT HIS LIFE.

1. He is married to a Jewish wife

2. He went to at least 3 universities in including H.Univ

3. He lives at a luxury apartment in T.A (I even know the name lol because he talks about his life a lot in class)

4. He used to work for the government in America

5. He taught orphans in Nepal... somewhere really poor in Asia

6. He doesn't speak fluent Hebrew. (I thought he did)

7. He played American football

8. He tried to learn Japanese


1. That is scary.

Anyway, my point is that I think Mr. S talks too much about things that are not directly related to the theme we read for homework. I also hate him for making us bring our textbook. In our history class history, I remember using the textbook 5 times since August. The textbook weighs around a kg. I.Hate.Him. For making us carry to school. Why do we even bring them if we don't talk about the readings we did during class? That's what I hate about the American system. Teachers tend to not teach students directly. They make us learn ourselves by them giving out ideas and doing activities somehow similar to the topic. One major difference between Korean education and American, is that in Korea, I always would feel I learned something new everyday. But. HUH? I NEVER HAD THAT FEELING EXCEPT MATH FOR THE PAST 2 YEARS IN AIS.

This is what I personally feel like.

Math Actually learn something but don't give any challenging questions.

Art NA

French I learn tiny and forget it the moment I leave class. Doesn't explain well on basic.

History Learn practically nothing in class. I have to learn everything by myself by reading nearly 20 pages everyday and getting a hard test which Sickle didn't teach us well.

PE The only class that is good. Hate danny.

English Also learn nothing in that class except reading books. Last year, I learned vocab words. This year, I learned really nothing. I am sorry.

Chemistry A class I am starting to hate very much.

So you see, my parents pay few thousand dollars for this.

I HATE AMERICAN SYSTEM. American's don't teach by giving information. They expect us to learn the material ourselves in a magical way.

Example: When I think of English class, I think of grammars and vocabularies. But today, we practiced how to outline an argument paper. -.-

What a time consuming pointless work? I hate those... pointless... lectures and classes!

My ideal English class would be:

1. Writing a lot to improve our skill

2. Learning new vocabulary and practicing SAT questions every class

3. Learning Latin

4. Learning cursive

5. Teaching handwriting to guys. PLEASE T_T

6. Grammar

I think the time has come to write another teacher report cards.

Maybe in few days.

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