Thursday, March 8, 2012


So I woke up at 6:18am. 13 minutes late what I was planning.
I rushed to the shower and texted Carter that my father would drive me at 7am to the stadium.
When I left the house at 7ish, and arrived at school, Carter wasn't there. Carter decided to go to the stadium at 8:30a.m. by train. Dang. you could have told me that beforeee

Arrived at the stadium around 7:30 and dad dropped me off.
It was funny how he didn't even wanted to see our robot.. When I arrived, I went to a driver meeting even though I wasn't a driver. It was pretty boring.
Our first game was at like 10am.
I thought we would lost all our games. But we DIDN'T.
We had a record of 5wins 5loses and 0 ties.
We were the 36th out of around 50 teams!

It was pretty good result because we were the Rookies.
We were the third in the rookie teams
The Jokers, 4320 was amazing. I couldn't believe their team built such a big, chunky, accurate robot in their first year. They were ranked first with like 7wins and 4 loses I think.
The other team which I don't remember the name but do remember the number, 4326, was good too.
Their accuracy in shooting balls were terrific.

There was a team from an Orthodox Jewish girl highschool Be'er Sheva.
Their robot was pink and won like 1 or 2 games. They lost the rest of 6 games.
Ladies First kept on chanting holiday songs during the whole game inside the tent.
It was unspeakably annoying because it was noisy enough inside the tent without them singing.
Inside the tent, there were around 50 teams. The screeching sound of the metal cutter, the sharp irritating noise of saw cutting and the radio with pop music was surly wan't the best environment to work at.

Around 1pm, they started to give out few awards.
The Woodie Flower Award
and 4other awards. Gosh I forgot all the rest.
We didn't win anything :' < because we didn't know awards other than the Chairman and the Winner
Oh well, next year.

Betha getting surgeries

Get your 'bot' in the game

our shooter


All our mentors and adult helpers!

hate ipod photo quality 

can't believe he shaved half of his hair off. Dedication I guess. 


quarter finalsssss

Ours red on the very left

So nice of them!!!!

packing everything we had for the past 3 days : < quite emotional

bye bye 4338

that's our quarter final video
I don't know why the embedding doesn't work.
we are 4338 The skinny one!



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