Sunday, December 30, 2012

Diary of 30th

Wow, it's already the end of 2012. T_T
I wish I had something to write about, wait, I do have something to write about!

decorating our class...

yeah, our christmas spirits are pretty low.. lol

our school is Hugeee

I wrote cards to few of by friends

with bunch of stickers too :D

I don't know how to rotate... this but I drew myself with a dress

So yeah, as you know, Koreans are super impassive. 
We go to school on Christmas Eve.
And not even the teachers say 'Merry Christmas' to us. 
I mean, no one even says that word outside the church. *sigh*

So when I gave the cards out to those I care and love, they gasped and told me they never received a card for christmas. 
oh god. 

But hey! Tomorrow our school starts its winter vacation!
and ends on Feb 1st. 

and I already got my vacation planned ahead. 
from 9am-5:30pm I go to English Institute to study the SATs
Everyday of the week except on Sundays. 


Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Diary of 11th

I’m taking my first official TOEFL test next Saturday. Ugh, so excited.
I took a mock test like two months ago, and received a 95.
A three digit 115 is what I desperately need L
Anyways, I am so tired!
I guess light sleeping for 30 minutes didn’t help relieving stress… Now, my eyes just close whatever I do; listening to the TOEFL listening section, memorizing SAT vocabularies, eating dinner, even as I am writing this post! Lol
Just this morning, my friend Rin came out from her house to see a guy waiting by her front door.
According to Jane, she has no idea who it is. But he gave her a rose.
Well a fake rose.
But that’s not what I am laughing at.
I just find it funny and creepy how this random guy Jane has no idea of, comes up and gives a rose without a word. Jane said that he looked coy. Which makes it more ‘awwww
Ugh, as a student who attends to a girls only school, we are super sensitive about boys. Lol
(it feels like I am back to 6th grade or something lol)
Our class all gave that ‘death stare’ to Rin because we were obviously jealous of her. Lol
I swear, she has this… this… um.. Guy Blessing.
When she told me that she never spent Christmas alone, I wanted to punch her.
Hahahhahah I might have punched her. Not that hard though J
So there she was, all moody and shit how she broke up with the last one few months ago just a month till Christmas, she finally decided to move on.
That leads to last Saturday, when she met this guy introduced by her friend Kim. Jane spent few hours with Ben, who is Kim’s boyfriend’s friend. (Does that make sense?!)
Jane didn’t admit, but from how she described her day with him, I thought she liked Kim.
But my predictions were wrong again. (All the time, when I make a prediction or foreshadow an event, I am always wrong.)
I don’t know much about dating as much as her because she spent like… 95% of her life with a guy, but she said they didn’t click.
How the f=ck am I supposed to understand that. Lol
I don’t even know how ‘clicking’ feels like lol
But what I don’t understand more, is the way she said ‘let’s not keep in contact.’
She sent a text message,
‘Hey, I think it’s better for us if we reorganize our relationship’

Anyhow, I ended up talking about my friend Rin instead of my life.
I don’t have much to talk about my ‘life’ because it’s so… dull and tenuous and so not enthralling.
I wish I’ve got something to say… but ugh.
It’s not like I have much interest in guys anyway.
Oh right, lol
Maya got into Princeton??!?!?!?!?!
 How did that happen??????

oh oh hey Maya, if you are seeing this, which is like 0.001% likely, I am happy for you. .

Sunday, December 9, 2012


Snow Snow Snow~~~

this is actually the back yard of our school
our school is pretty big compared to any other regular public school 

isn't this pretty!?!?

they are both very short clips 

I love it when it snows
Snow makes everything look pure

But it does get cold when it snows...

Saturday, December 1, 2012

How everything is rollin'

Guys! @_@ well, I don't know who reads my blog anymore, so I guess, Hey! 

Gah, my life is pretty 'aberrant' from typical Koreans here. 
Instead of studying my school work and getting ready for the up coming finals, I am memorizing SAT vocabs ceaselessly. 

It astonishes me every time how many words are in the English language.  
English apparently has the most vocabs out of all languages in this planet. Ewly. 
lol I made this word up. Ewly. It doesn't mean anything... 

just in case you people forgot my face. !?

See what I am going through!?!! but I managed to memorize 1/3 

I painted my nail in silver but one of my friends said it looked like aluminum foil color...;;;; which I kinda agree. and understand. lol


decks of card... everywhere in the house waiting for me to reach lol

So far, just in this month, I memorized more than 700 words. I still have a mountain to go since there's 1000 more eagerly waiting for me to handle. 

Photos explain pretty well. lol


ugh. I am not going to America for college. Rather, I am studying SAT for a Korean university. 

It's so hard to get a high scoreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee