Sunday, June 24, 2012

Last Week of Israel (half)

One week before my Leave :/
June 14th Thursday
I met Ms. Long and we talked at the ice cream shop. She had to leave in an hour as there was a teacher party at 12:30pm. Apparently, Mrs. Green and Mr. Green has a big age difference.. Shocker.
June 15th Friday
Yasmin came over and we watched Inception at my house. It was her first time watching it! Obviously she got confused about the whole story plot :P Although it was my second time watching it, few parts I didn’t still didn’t get it. Especially the ending when the movie ends without showing if it’s a dream or not.  It’s like ‘GOD DAMIT, WHY CAN’T YOU JUST SHOW US’. After the movie, we both started to talk about how hot the weather is and became suspicious if we are actually dreaming or not :D Oh right, we ate sushi and ice cream before watching.
June 16th Saturday
Everyone at church was asking me the date of my flight. It was pretty annoying as everyone, literally everyone, I saw asked the same question. My Korean Church is located at Jaffa and has around 90 people. So… like 45 people asking me the repetitive question did irritate me. But the sad part was that we didn’t yet know when we were going to leave.. so… I just kept on saying, ‘Probably in a week or two.’
When arrived back home, I started to pack stuff because my mother ordered me to. I just shoved everything inside a bag depending on its use and size. I took off my beautiful posters of The World, The periodic table and this building poster. My room now looks smaller :<
June 17th Sunday
Packing legit started. We dumped dozens of magazines and novels. It broke my heart when we trashed them… but we can’t possibly take them anyway because our house in Korea is going to be tiny as hell; Great.  From 2 to 5, I looked after the most adorable and handsome looking 5th and 3rd graders as usual. I ate dinner with Judi at this Japanese place where I believe they add glue to their sushi to make it sticky… I’ve never tasted any sushi that sticky E.V.E.R. It didn’t taste pretty. Eww. Judi wanted to buy ice cream but the store was closed :/  We walked around and took photos at 10pm :P
June 18th Monday
On this sunny clumsy day, my mother decided to go to Ramat Aviv and eat lunch with her friends. It was a smart choice as that meant me walking to school and walking back with the children. GRR.. To walk to school, it takes around 20minutes or 30minutes max. Sun ray penetrating my sunglasses, sweat rolling down my fafaface, I managed to successfully, without getting injured, arrive at school. When I saw Iker and Aitor, with a fake smile I roared: “Today, is your lucky day!”
They seemed excited. Hahahha poor kids.
I continued, “we are walking home!”
The 3rd grader was shouting “yay!” and the 5th grader was muttering “great” with a flat voice. We tried hitch hiking but it failed. So I told the boys that no one likes us. It was actually a great time as we pretty much laughed the whole way home because we all just ate too much heat. We ended up as a hobo because of the everlasting heat!!  L   

Friday, June 15, 2012


dkTk skEJsksek. dlwpRhfqhrlehtlfgdmsdoemfdksqhsmsru!! zzz

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

1. Moving

Leaving from Korea to Israel was really a big transition of my life. My friends worried that I would be hit by missiles and get attacked by terrorists. Along with my friends, I worried a lot too. The timing was also pretty perfect as we were learning about the middle east and wars happening there in social history class. When we came to chapter Israel, I suddenly stood up in class and told to everyone that I am moving to that place were 2 wars were still going on next Thursday. Everyone seemed that I was joking (no surprise as I do joke a lot :))

Moving back is going to be really emotional for me as it's going to be my last chance to leave abroad. 
After 3 years in Korea, my parents and my sister are going somewhere again. Without me. ;(  
Thinking back my 3 years, a lot has changed. 
I realized that I really need to work harder and that there are people like Michael who knows what he is doing and works his ass off. 

I do not know the date we are exactly leaving to Korea but I am assuming that it's going to be in June in like two or one week. 
I really am going to miss everything about Israel. From small things like sneaking out from my house to eat icecream with Judi at late hours to a new life I started without my two best friends Yasmin and Anna.

I am going to miss the warm weather, the crazy car drivers, the school cleaners who works harder than few students at school, the slowest ever cafeteria workers, our huge soccer field, different background people, the black sheep (inside joke. Probably the best joke I've ever heard), powerschool, luxury items students bring to school, perfume smell at the locker rooms, Mrs. Levy's baby and her pregnant brain, new friends I made that I never thought I would make, friends that I became really far to..., ssr time in English, me waking up at 7am while others wake up at 6am, stores closed on Friday and Saturday morning, huge malls, Israel money, Israel hair cut that my dad got on his first barber trip in Israel, Hebrew, the Russian workers at Tiv Tam shouting in russian to each other, the mean Liberians?

I really am going to miss everything. 
Literally Everything. 

This is my 1st post of my living. Expect like series of these. 

I never knew what I once wished would come true. It's a confusing feeling.    

I am leaving to Korea

This just happened too quickly.
I really wan't expecting this. 
I was kidding about my last post. 
I never ever knew this would happen.

“I know absolutely nothing about where I'm going. I'm fine with that. I'm happy about it. Before, I had nothing. I had no life, no friends, and no family really, and I didn't really care. I had nothing, and nothing to lose, and then I knew loss. What I cared about was gone; it was all lost. Now I have everything to gain; everything is a clean slate. It's all blank pages waiting to be written on. It's all about going forward. It's all about uncertainty and possibilities.”
― Gregory GallowayAs Simple as Snow

Monday, June 11, 2012

Sunday, June 10, 2012

10 things in my mind

  1. I regret taking French 
  2. I regret taking french 
  3. I regret taking french 
  4. I regret taking French
  5. I regret not studying 2 tests in Chemistry and getting a C
  6. I really need to get over 90 in math final 
  7. I want to go back to Korea
  8. My grades are so low I don't know what to do 
  9. I am taking no APs next year and I feel like a dumb slut 
  10. I regret watching HIMYM from 2 to 4am

Gotta love my life cause i've got to...

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

June 6th: Arielle

Arielle!! Thanks for the painting. I've left it at Mrs. Sadovnik's room so everyone could see it too.

Friday, June 1, 2012

June 1st: Diet

Today, we had our Robotic pool party thingy.
And oh my dear lord, I need to loose weight.
Gah.: /
My friend in Korea lost 5kg in two weeks by using weight loosing drugs. That's very efficient not healthy. So I am going to loose weight by exercising~
I want my leg to look like this:

Dang, they are sexy.