Tuesday, March 13, 2012

If you don't know

K, for those who doesn't know when my birthday is, it's on the 20th of March.
And, if you are wondering what to buy for me, don't hesitate and buy me this bag from Pull&Bear.
It's only 170♥

I went to the supermarket few days ago, and found a
new 5 gum! At first glance, I swear I thought it was a period taste.
I DO NOT UNDERSTAND THE IMAGE OF THE PACKET. I mean what the? that's blood drops! Ewww. I don't remember what the flavour was called, but I don't want to try it. Only the mint one tastes good. The watermelon and orangey thing are bad.
I lost one pair of contact lenses. ;(

If you don't want to buy me a bag, you can buy any one of these for me. 

lol yep, I know.
I must earn money somehow. 
I might get a babysitting job in Spring break!:D

Two days ago, we had our first sex education class. Obviously, everyone was super excited and could't wait for the class. Mrs.L first asked when we should have sex. 96% of the class said we should have it when you know your partner and yourself are ready. I wrote "When you need money."
Jokes. I wanted to write that but I thought it had to be serious.. so I wrote you should have sex when you are in a stable relationship. Yep. I have no idea what that means. Someone wrote "Tonight" lol
Then, we brainstormed ideas. Unfortunately, we only have Tommy in our class. So it wasn't particularly fun.
8th grade was the best with L.Mess*
But I must admit, although we only had Tom, he surly did a good job making the class feel 'eky/horny'
I nearly puked when he mentioned his experience with white dreams and how he solved the problem. 
Also when he mentioned that he doesn't want to have sex with virgins because he would freak out by the blood pouring out. hahhaahha blood pours out. hahahahhahah like a rainfall. hahahhaah 
When he told someone that you can get a surgery to make yourself virgin again... ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

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