Tuesday, November 8, 2011

parents conference is on um. FRIDAY. THIS WEEK.

yes. the dreadful day has come.
it's the day when the teachers meet with your parents who gave birth to you.
it's the day when the teachers gets to tell EVERYTHING about your school life.
it's the day when I fear the most because I currently have a 89 in Algebra.
it's the mayday,.
it's when your parents get to know if you are

the winner or the loser type.



Unfortunately, my father is coming from Business trip in Korea this thursday. Which is a DAY before the CONFERENCE.
omg seriously, why couldn't have he spent his weekend in Korea?

The only thing in my mind right now is the conference.
I am freaking out

I really am although..

no teacher told me



I am very scared because of my current grades...
I don't know why but I don't have the Korean gene.
which is just so depressing.

I do well. I have no grade below 80
but still.
I am more of a b+ student.. not really an A...

anyway, with that said, I will tell you what happened last year..

Ms. Long: Hi! nice to meet you! Yejun is doing great in her class. She is very creative and artistic!
My dad: *hmph* (is that how you write it?!)
Ms. Long: (Suddenly feeling something is wrong with telling a child is very creative) Yejun currently has a B in the class
My dad and mom: a B? (they actually shouted)
Ms. Long: Yes an 89 (confused because 89 is not that bad)
My mom: (talking to me in Korean) Yejun you have a B in English? *she said B in English so ms. Long goes
Ms. Long: oh wait! I forgot to add her project. So now, Yejun has a 90!
My dad and mom: OH good! (smiles for the first time)

and then my dad goes "okay, thanks" and leaves.

I know!!
I swear.. I am so scared that that thing will happen AGAIN.

it's like DE JA VU

Now, remember the history ppt I had to do today?
well guess what.
my group is doing it next class because our class ran out of time.

I HATEEEEEEEEEEEE when this happens because then it means he has a higher? standard (bcos we had an extra day) and it means we need to worry it for another day!

and in our class, we had 6 groups and 4 of them went today.
So we are in the unlucky 2 groups.. who are going to do it next class

and if you calculate that possibility, it's 4/6? is that how you calculate ...?
nvm.. I suck at math.
go away. Algebra. No one really likes you. They might seem as they do, but the truth is that in their heart, they don't like you.
I am sorry.But I really think you should stick with Geometry and not brake up with her becaues she is the only one you have.


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