Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Princess diary #1

This book took me a while, like three weeks? to finish it.
mostly because I had lots of things going on past two weeks...
But usually, princess diaries takes me like three days to finish because I can't fall asleep unless I finish the book.
However, I was quite.. unhappy? how the movie was very different from the book.
it made me sad.
because I really was looking forward.
But I guess you can't make a movie exactly like the original book.

there really wasn't a 'quote' in the book I really liked.
because you see,
I didn't like this book much as I did on the 7th book.

So the first volume, is basically about Mia realizing? that she is a princess of Genovia.
btw, Genovia isn't a real country.. hahha I thought it was. So I googled it and I turned out to be wrong lol

What I don't fully understand is WHY WHY WHY isn't MIA EXCITED TO BE A PRINCESS?
if I was her, and my mum tells me about it when I am 15, I would be like dancing in joy and asking where the palace is. But Mia is different. :(
the book could have been better if Mia was happy.
it could have described about the high royal life..
I think I watched too much Gossip girl..
So it's my goal to go to AMERICA then NEW YORK then Manhattan then to upper east side...

But I like the ending of the book.
It's really sweet.
But if you think about it, Mia dates Michael for 8 years...
since there are 8 sequels of the Princess Diaries...
that's a bit scary.
I am not even sure if they date in the second book..
but in the 7th book they definitely do. 

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