I will write a proper MUN review
I dont like the post I wrote at 1am in the morning
First day
I helped out building the robot and sat at the Yemen table which only Daniel K. I sat. It was weird.
We had our first 2 hour committee session and I sent a note to Somalia
He uploaded it on facebook and got 23likes ;P
He goes to the Nazareth Baptist school and everyone in that school gets an ipad as an education tool.
I guess the school had nothing better to do with that sum of money..
The Trade and development committee debated over how third world countries can repay debt to developed countries. I think we passed all clauses except one :P
So we had a very very long resolution of that issue
Second day
Delegate of Tunisia and Sudan got on my nerve.
They talked every 5minutes
It was unbearable because Tunisia's voice sounded squeaky
Delegate of Myanmar was the best though.
He lived in America for 15 years and is American...
It reminded me of Noah, who is also a great speaker.
The delegate of Vietnam told me that he came because
1. He wanted to be outside his house
2. He wanted the after party
3. For his resermay
He didn't talk once but he was fully prepared... irony.
He liked Margo ;) (well every male in our committee did)
And told that he is proud to be Canadian. another irony..lol
I made friends with Canada!
And learned that 80% of delegates in my committee was Arab: surprised me
Third day
Third day was the most boring because the issue itself was boring.
It really was a torture too because the session was 4 hours...
And f* Tunisia kept on talking.
I won 6 best delegate thingy at the end of the committee
One of them was the prettiest eye. (But I have brown eyes!? it's not green or blue...)
the best female speaker
the Best smile
the most unique (omg it has been only 3 days and people know I am unique. hahahahah)
the most likely to be successful
and few more I can't remember.
then in the end, inside me, I was like
but um I am glad I wasn't the most flirt delegate because that would have been weird.
I stole a mountain of food for the robotic club and was totally exhausted after MUN and closing ceremony.
Gershon and I made the box in freezing weather
It was cold. cold. cold. |
At 12:30ish, the truck came and took the robot.
Only Michael, Uri, Sarah (teacher), Jackover and I was there.
It was a small ceremony but still was a ceremony.
We took photos and videos and Sarah did a interview with Michael and me
Then I accidently said how we need more rich people in the club for funding.
Jackover "what?"
me "oh nothing..."
Sarah laughed
Overall, I am proud of our team and can't wait to win the rookie all star award ;)