Summer vacation is one of the worst vacation a Korean could wish for.
In Korea, there is no such thing as 'vacation'
To Koreans, 'Vacation' means time to study more harder to get ready for next year. It also means two times more homework from math academies since you don't have school.
And that is why Koreans hate Vacations... Koreans don't travel. They practically do nothing except study because their parents don't care about learning and experiencing new adventures. -.-
I remember my Summer vacation in Korea.. when I was in 6th grade
I remember walking 5minutes every other day to go to my math academies...
and doing homework for 2 hours and then doing my english homework for my english academy.
And then, afterwards, I went to Kumdo, it's a mercial art thingy
and then back home...
'Kumdo is the modern martial art of kendo as practiced in Korea. It is also romanizedas kÇ’mdo, gumdo, or geomdo. The name means "the way of the sword," and is acognate with the Japanese term. Kumdo is a martial art that has become engrained within Korean culture and society since being introduced from Japan."
To Koreans, going to a well known famous University is a huge deal.
I so huge that most Koreans start worrying about University when they are at Elementary school.
And to 'succed' in Korea, you must go to a University in Seoul. or a 'SKY'university. (explain later)
It's amazingly hard.
One of the students in AIS, got into Brown but not into a University he wanted in Seoul...
It's disgusting.
And it's hard because there are SO many SMART people in Korea!
I am quite sure that all Korean students in AIS got into the Honer society so far.
And won all those trophies at our Award ceremony!
like last year, all three Koreans got it
and the year before last year, the Rhee family gained all the trophies.
And yes. the Rhee family is the family who all three siblings went to an Ivy league school. (Stanford)
So imagine.
You live in a country where all the students are like ... that
and competitions... ;(
Most of the times, when one of a SKY university is looking for 1000 new students next year, 10000students comes to apply.
here is a news article.. you should read...
So because of these disastrous compition, Korea is one of the leading countries for suicide numbers. And I am quite sure that having the highest number of suicides.. are not good.
(I hope you are happy Noah. since you were the one who told me that Korea has the highest suicide numbers for like a whole semester --)
1,000 students between the ages of 10 and 19 killed themselves from 2000 to 2003.
I keep in touch with my Korean friends.
and they are having dreadful times... studying... I feel so sorry for them...
SKY is an acronym for the three most prestigious universities in South Korea: Seoul National University, Korea University, and Yonsei University. The term is widely used nationwide in Korea, in the Korean broadcast media and even by the universities themselves.
Regardless of the academic standing of the SKY universities internationally, inside Korea, admission to one of them is widely considered as determining one's career and social status. Many Korean politicians and policy makers have a degree from a SKY university.
The President's cabinet is usually filled with SKY graduates (predominantly from Seoul National University). Likewise, the judicial world in South Korea is dominated by SKY graduates. According to the statistics, 80% of judges appointed from 2003 to 2008, were SKY graduates. During the same time, 70% of prosecuters appointed were SKY graduates. Interesting right?