Thursday, February 28, 2013

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

2/26 (2)

my silly letter. 

It's spring vacation already in Korea until March 4th. 
It has been something like 3 weeks into spring break and I managed to actually achieve few goals!
1. Read more than 10 books
2. Take the practice test and get over 100 
3. Don't oversleep
4. Don't get depressed. Everyone's Junior year is tough. 

I guess people in AIS are in 11th grade and will finish in May. 
Butt, I am enrolling to 11th grade this March 4th lol.
I am actually terrified of 11th grade. 
I mean, now, I will actually have to focus on my grades! (When I arrived last year July, I pretty much received Cs in my finals by the excuse that 'I am starting to get the hang of the Korean education system')

I hate it. 
I mean, unlike AIS, Koreans have RANKS. I have to care about my letter grades and my position in the whole 11th grade students! 

But before grades, I've got to get 118 in TOEFL by May. 
Ofcourse, I don't need to if I don't want to go to college -.-

Studying TOEFL made me feel SAT is much more intriguing. 
Only if I could get that damn 118..


Dear TOEFL, 

Hi TOEFL, how are you doing? 
Are you having fun crushing hopeful student's dreams and ambitions? I hope you are. 
To be honest, I thought you were a piece of cake. And I still kinda think you are, but my test results tell me that you are tougher than you look! 
I mean, I lived abroad for more than 6 years and speak English with natives with no problem, but what the hell,103 out of 120?
I mean, I read in a newspaper that even native Americans get 105! 
You've got to loose up. 

You know, I am going to see you in three weeks, on March 16th. 
I actually am excited to meet you and see how much you will devastate me this time because this time, I am ready. I have my shields and spears to protect myself and slash your head. 

On March 16th, you will be surprised with my improved speaking skills. 
On March 16th, you will yield to me. (jokes, 15 days after the test)

So....goodbye and be prepared. Because this time, I will be prepared too. 
with resent,  Yejun Lee 

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

My .net account is deleted :(

My account is deleted. 

This account was deleted and is no longer recoverable


No one warned me 