The main reason why I took ... I mean risked to take an AP class was to see if I should choose my career in computer and tech field.
Also.. I thought I would understand these coding things as time went.. but it didn't.
I think AP classes, especially Computer Science isn't really the class you 'get' over time. It's more like if you know, you know. If you don't, you don't. It's also a class that requires a lot of time investing!
I saw a blog post about how to get a 5 in AP examine in CS; it said that you need to spend at least 3 hours per day.. And I am not the type to spend those much of time into CS.
I think I don't spend that much time because I don't enjoy.
I really don't enjoy the class.
I really don't
I never did... I mean. I like the class atmosphere and the feeling to be part of the class.
But I never felt 'happy' and 'excited' when I made a code running.
I don't get or feel any 'YESS' when I make it compile.
I guess there are people like Gershon and Michael and Martin who
gets it .. and me who
After going through CS for a quarter, I learned that coding isn't my
'thing' like dancing and singing.
omg I hate dancing and singing hahahahahhahahhahahhaha
I really do. ahhahahah
But I do envy those who knows how to dance.... T_T
Instead of doing CS, I decided to do animation in Computer Application
Seriously, I can't do things that are so straight forward...
I am definitely the creative type person: art and music!
Talking about music, hhehe
I did a very very naughty thing...
I kinda auditioned for AMIS.
it's naughty because I didn't tell my parents!
omg I can't stop laughing because I did SO HORRENDOUSLY on the audition hahahaha
omg that's so embarrassing.. I don't know why I am even writing that here!
okay so I think I need to tell you about my cello... stories.
I started playing it when I was in 2nd grade.
And I admit. I was a really good player for my age (JOKES/STRONG SARCASM HERE)
I continued to play until... 9th grade... when my dad smashed it to a rock. (IT'S NOT FUNNY)
... omg you guys have no idea how much I cried that day.
I didn't even took at my father or talk to him for a week.
I was so depressed and thought my life was over.
It's because it was such a meaningful ... thing to me...
It was more shocking because I was practising for the AMIS, honer orchestra...
Fortunately, my lovely cello teacher lent me a cello for two months and then after December 2010, my cello career kinda finished...
I coudn't believe I stopped playing it because I never thought I would actually quit playing it!
I still am not really getting used to life without a cello.. or with no musical instrument..
geez. What I wanted to tell you guys was that I auditioned for AMIS like two weeks ago and hahahahah
I bet I failed it. :P
the result comes in november 2nd week or so..
but really, hahhaha
I don't think I will.
But it was worth a try: I had fun playing the cello, which was my cello teacher's..
Last of all,
I still don't know why my dad.. crashed the cello to the rock...
I think it is related to my sleeping... I sleep really a lot, unlike my father..
and some people doesn't even know why I don't play the cello.
And I get all teary and weak when I have to tell the story to them.
When I think back to the scene when my father just.. slammed my ... beautiful cello to the rock outside the park... I still get so... angry and... sad....