From a normal Korean's view, Koreans do not enjoy running or 'moving'
thats why I tried my best to avoid this OCCASION. But it didn't work
SINCE MY PE grade was indeed low.
(low as in Korean low)
okay. So to improve my grade, I had to run... a marathon.
BUT don't worry. Its not a 48 KG run! (THANK GOD) and I think only people above 18 or 19 are allowed to run in those marathon. but um anyway! I ran the 5 KM run. I wanted to run the 2km one, but I had this dream that only elementry kids were running and I was the only 'teen'
um so I woke up at 7 and dressed (I spend more time on brushing my annnoying black hair) and walked to the gym. urgh. IT WAS COLD AND WINDY and I was like half sleeping.
so I was practically, half sleep walking.
hhahah I am serious. I walked for like 10 minutes to go there and I felt like I walked a km already.
while I was going and walking in like half a sleep, I met like 10 guys.. I mean men with hotpants
omg I was laughing so hard.! (of course inside)
you see, I don't get those men who wear those pants that like... sticks to their skin like leggings.
I don't mind if people wear leggings under a skirt or a really short pants but.. wearing JUST leggings???/
you can like see.... their body too... EW. I do not want to talk about it
but I guess and bet that you people know what I am talking.
while I was walking, I just prayed that I won't meet any ANY dogs... during the run... because otherwise, I would have to be scared...
When I got there, thank god I met someone I knew from school. I met Daniel S. he was running for 10 with his dad... (from what I know) and I really envied... : (
and then I met Mr. Pop-a-duck...and Michael and Ms. Stephine and this... other 10 th grade guy...
I went to the lady inside the gym to get my name card and this chip.
I got the chip and stuck the paper to my chest and was still sooo tired.
I thought the chip would be a really fancy stuff... but lol neh.
when I got there, it was about 7:40 and saw the 10KM people started their race.
OMG they were wearing really short pants and shorts! (it was a windy weather)
and then I got depressed again after I saw the 10 KM people run. gosh they do run fast.
BTW, if I didn't tell you my goal for this marathon, My goal was really simple.
heheh AND I did! : D (although I am sure I was kinda last lol but I do not care. I just care if I finished the torture thing.)
I was really really REALLY tensed up with like everything.
I couldn't really smile or look people in their eyes or talk because I was sooo EXTREMLY tired and
and then I closed my eyes and this REALLY TALL guy hit me above my ear with his FREAKING ELBOW.
'haha. Asian' (thats what I felt like) but I instead said "Its okay.. don't worry" *&^
7:55 : the race for 5km was supposed to start in five minutes
8:00 : people started to move more and like tie their shoelaces so I copied them lol and like pretended to do streching and stuff while I was still in this... confused feeling
8:04 : somehow, people was already in the starting line. I went to the very middle because I like being in the middle... not really fast nor slow...
8:05 : I don't know how the race started. OH yes I do.
they started to countdown! and I understod that when they said 4... hhhehe
okay the race started and there was this elementry kid next to me... with his dad...
he (the kid) looked really 'excited' ....weird.
Oh, so on Thursday, I met this woman who was incharge of some parts of the race and told me the route we would run. And apprently, she was wrong. ;ALSDHFIPAEHFASL;KDFJ
we ran from the gym to the (nearly to the end of the ) rode where the high way ... meets our school
So like we ran the reallly long street... down the school.. where you know, next to the farm...
okay, going down that road wasn't hard but going up, *(&^, was so hard.
Since, I had NO ATTEMPT to win this race, I ran the race with an easy pace that lead me to kinda the end.
When I was turning the point of the turning point, I saw this... man that looked like Mrs. S's age.
holy cow...
I was like shocked for a while... and then kept on running.
okay so I finised going up the whole street in 10 minutes.
and then, I had to run all the way to the big water tank in Even Yehuda.
THAT was also really hard because .... I don't konw. It was HARD.
and then, I ran to the end point that was futher than the water tank.
While I was running, there was these girls who gave out waters.
they looked like the same age with me. hehe.... (?)
When I was running the dirt hill, GAH
When I was running the dirt hill, GAH
that was one of the point where... like you 'had' to speed up.
so I was running and then there was this one woman who coughed really hard...
I was like ' AHH! whats wrong with her??? '
and... she continued to cough till the end of the race which still concerns me..
I turned around the second corner of the street and I heard this two men saying
'alba' four.
I then relized I just ran FOUR KM.
I was full of joy for like at least a second and started to think what would happen if I cut lines and stuff...
and then, we went through the houses infront of our school.
Since I was really slow, :P, this man in a yellow shirt, I think his a assisdent runner for this marathon thing, came to be and asked if he could run with me. So I said
'yes' .
He asked me where I was from
'South Korea'
He asked me if I wanted water
' No thankyou'
it was actully comfortable to have someone to run with. ONLY if that person has the same pace with you.
and then I had 500meters left to the end and I got in ;D
in 5 minutes
I mean 56 minutes.
ugh my 6 key has a problem lol
and yes. happy is the only word I could decribe my feelings.
After the race, I went inside the gym and got this bag full of stuff inside
I got home at 9 when I thought I would go home at 10.
My dad kinda didn't believe me when I told him I ran 5 KM.
he was like "Did you finish in the middle?"
me " no... I actually Ran 10k..."
dad "WHAT? YOU DID THE 10K???"
me: "yes..."
me: "yes..."
dad "GOOD JOB"
and I got up and took a cold cold cold shower and raped myself in the towel..
I didn't RAPE my self, I wraped myself lol
and fell asleep inside the towel in the toilet for 10 minutes.
and then I got up, I slept another 10 minutes on a thing you call a bed.
and then I woke up to dress for church...
I started to read this KOrean history book and fell asleep again.
I am so.. weak.
and then listened to a French podcast during the 30minute ride.
My sister and my mom was like sneering while I was repeating stuff to the podcast because
it was a podcast for learning French.
My mom was like
" you know, you don't have to make that spit sound for R in Bonjour"
" you know, you are learning the basic of basic of French"
And the reason I am learning french is because I made a promise to speak bit in French the next time I meet this guy ♥like... HAHAHAHHA
anyway. I again fell asleep in the car while listening to the podcast.
and this Scottish girl appears in my podcast and she has a really strong accent
omg I am going to love Scottish accent!
When I arrived in church, I again (for my first time) fell asleep during the first 20 minutes of service.
I couldn't sleep last night and I was so o o o o o o tired from running. which..
I ran for only an hour.. BUT STILL
After church, bunch of people asked me why I fell asleep and why my dad didn't come to church...
I told them I ran 5 in the morning.. and that I have no idea why my dad didn't come
After church. Heather and I made coffees.
It was our first time and ... we totally failed making the first 10 cups of coffee.
Heather and I was so confused!!! heheh
like the coffee color was brown brown when it was supposed to be more of a light brown
we also faggot to put suger inside
and I got mixed up with sugers and this other white thing...
so the 10 people, who drank our horrible coffee... omg their face was like
and Heather and I was laughing so hard when they told us that you are not supposed to put that much prim...
the next 10 cups of coffee didn't have enough suger
and the next 10 cups of coffee didn't have enough 'prim'
people were really pleased with us and told to make them again next week... ( is that good news?)
After, I chased these three Israeli kids
and took photos..
when I got back from church, it was 4.
I think the church is like spending too much time from us...
when I got home, I surfed the internet, did my online things, and did my english project.
I do not want to write anymore about my day, because from then...
its private♥ haha